Hello TB nurses!

I am writing from the Alaska TB program.  I am interested to hear how other states house persons with infectious TB who are not clear to travel home, or don’t have a home to go to. We work to keep these persons in the hospital as long as we can, but there is a lot of push to get them dc’d if they are medically stable.  In Alaska, we are limited to finding motels that don’t share air. We frequently pay for the cost of housing folks who do not have resources and are not eligible for housing through Medicaid or other sources.


Thanks in advance,




Donna Fearey, ANP, MSN

Nurse Epidemiologist
State of Alaska
3601 C Street, Suite 540
Anchorage, AK  99503
Phone: 907-269-8093
Fax: 907-563-7868
Cell: 907-903-9819