It was not my question but that was helpful. Thanks Denise.
From: <> on behalf of Dodge, Denise (VDH) <>
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2016 4:08:29 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: How to count doses in changing LTBI regimens

I didn’t see the original question however I believe this is pertaining to changing from 3HP to Rif or INH or any combination there might be during the course of treatment for LTBI. The answer is in the percentage of the regimen they did take and what part of 100% that is.


For example. A client completes 4 doses of a 3HP regimen which would be 12 doses but now wants to change to Rifampin. So,

·         3doses/12doses = 25%. This client completed 25% of the 3HP regime so now needs to complete 75% of the regimen he is changed to.

·         If it is a 4 month Rifampin regimen, that’s pretty easy: .75 (75%) X 4 equals 3. So this client needs 3 more months of Rifampin

·         If it is a 9 month INH regimen, it would be .75 x 9 = 6.75 more months of INH.


In Virginia, we do have differences of opinion between our medical consultants on what is appropriate to do. One may say start all over, the other will do the percentage above.  There are no firm recommendations from CDC, ATS or some other nationally recognized body of medical experts that sanctions this…. at least that I know of. Since that’s the case this question of what to do is always one of our doctors.


So, now that I explained an answer to a question I am not sure was even asked, I hope this was helpful. J Have a great weekend everyone!





Denise Dodge, RN

Assistant Director, Nurse Consultant

TB Control and Newcomer Health

Virginia Department of Health

804-864-7968 - Desk

804-864-7906 - Main line

804-371-0248 - Secure Fax


From: [] On Behalf Of Lorna Will
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2016 11:49 AM
Subject: How to count doses in changing LTBI regimens


I didn't see the webinar, but several of our local health departments did, and reported that it was suggested that people get credit for the LTBI regimen they've tried to take, and so shorten the new regimen. But there was no info on HOW to do this. Does anybody have examples of how to do this? It just doesn't make sense to me - seems like apples and oranges to me, but if somebody knows how, please enlighten me! Thanks!

Lorna Will RN, MA


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