We have always used daily for the initial phase. We are fortunate enough to have Public Health Reps that can achieve this. However, when that was not possible in all counties we recruited and trained others that were not in the TB program per say for example Public Health Nurses that worked in other areas but lived in the municipality we had the DOT in. Another county used the VNA by using the persons insurance if they had it or they may have contracted services through the county. We have utilized school nurses and occupational health in some cases.
We even expanded to health inspectors or health officers to assist in DOT for their areas after we gave them a training on DOT.
I know it is tough with limited resources. Hope this helps some.
Patricia Woods, RN, MSN
Nurse Manager
Waymon C Lattimore Practice
Rutgers, State University of New Jersey
225 Warren St, Newark, NJ 07103
p. 973-972-3038 f. 973-972-3832