Thanks Myra, this involves excellent directions for sputum induction in a facility. I am looking for official directions when I used to regularly use the nebulizer at people’s homes – I would take the patient outside in the back and bring
an extension cord for the nebulizer. This works for people in single homes, but can be a privacy issue if folks are living in apartments! And from the standpoint of infection control, other residents need to be protected. I would imagine in an apartment
situation, you would have to have no other residents of that apartment around at the time, and then open all the windows in the room that will be used for induction, and keep them open for at least 30 minutes after the procedure??? Does that sound reasonable?
Marjorie McDermott, RN
Nurse Consultant
Tuberculosis Program
Infectious Disease Control
Georgia Department of Public Health
2 Peachtree St., NW, 12th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 404-657-2618
Cell: 404-558-1731
Fax: 404-463-3460