Just received this from Alaska - does anybody have such info?

Also, I’m happy to tell you that the revised “Essential Components of a Public Health TB Program” is in CDC clearance, and we hope to have it published as a supplement to the MMWR before the end of the year. 

Lorna Will RN, CNS

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mamtchueng, Willy R." <MamtchuengWR@ci.anchorage.ak.us>
Date: August 1, 2018 at 14:37:11 CDT
To: "'lwill@tbcontrollers.org'" <lwill@tbcontrollers.org>
Subject: Request for assistance

Good morning Lorna,

My name is Willy Mamtchueng. I oversee the TB program for our local health department here in Anchorage. We are currently focusing on improving efficiency in our program including implementing quality improvement and quality assurance measures.

I am requesting help from other TB programs. I would like to know the following:

-          What does a successful TB program looks like?

-          What are the metrics measured?

-          What are the tools used to aid the staff jobs and increase treatment completion rates for patient?

-          What is the program staffing like? Caseload per case managers? What type of patients are case managed: active TB, LTBI or both?

-          With prevention being treatment, how does that play identifying and treating LTBI?

-          What about community education, partnering initiates or other outreaches?  

-          What other resources are available?

-          Are there accredited TB program or accredited public health center with a TB program? What needs to be in place in order to gain accreditation?

Providing with answers to my inquiries will help me compare our program and identify gaps that may not be apparent. Please help me improve my program so that we can begin our journey towards the elimination of TB in our community.

Thank you very much in advance for your assistance.



Disease Prevention and Control Supervisor

            Clinical Services