Hi all


Indiana  has almost the same thing that the State of Colorado has with the exception of a few things.  We also do individual dose packaging with client names.  We get a month’s worth at a time.  We have a contract with Purdue University Pharmacy and they are awesome.  For new active cases they overnight the medications to whatever county we need them, and for LTBI it takes about 3 to 4 days.  We reorder meds monthly, and this is done by individual offices or the PHN. This has been very helpful as we did not want our nurses packaging the medications so as to avoid med errors etc. and for liability issues. We however have been fortunate to have a little more resources in our county so we do DOT and DOPT even on weekends if we have to.  We have CHWs that assist with most of the DOTs. We do use VDOT on a few of those who may not be available for in person DOT. 


Midia Fulano, MPH,MBA,BSN,RN

Foreign-Born /Refugee Health and TB Control Program

Marion County Public Health Department

6042 East 21st Street

Indianapolis, IN 46219

Tel: 317-221-7426, Cell: 317-373-2810

Fax 317-221-7437






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